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What is OPAL Fuels’ ticker symbol and on what exchange do shares of OPAL Fuels trade?
OPAL Fuels Class A common stock trades on the Nasdaq Capital Market under the ticker symbol OPAL. Warrants to purchase shares of OPAL Fuels Class A common stock trade on the Nasdaq Capital Market under the ticker symbol OPALW.
When did OPAL Fuels go public?
In December 2021, OPAL Fuels entered into a business combination agreement with ArcLight Clean Transition Corp. II (Nasdaq:#ACTD) (“ArcLight”), a publicly traded special purpose acquisition company. The business combination between OPAL Fuels and ArcLight was completed on July 21, 2022, and the combined company’s common stock began trading under its new ticker symbol, OPAL, on July 22, 2022.
Where is OPAL Fuels’ corporate headquarters?
OPAL Fuels is headquartered at One North Lexington Avenue, Suite 1450, White Plains, NY 10601.
Where is OPAL Fuels incorporated?
OPAL Fuels is incorporated under the laws of the State of Delaware.
When is OPAL Fuels’ fiscal year end?
OPAL Fuels’ fiscal year end is December 31.
How can I invest in OPAL Fuels?
To purchase Class A shares or warrants in OPAL Fuels, please contact your brokerage firm.
Who is OPAL Fuels’ transfer agent and how can I contact them?
OPAL Fuels’ transfer agent is Continental Stock Transfer & Trust Company and can be contacted by calling 1-800-509-5586 or emailing
Who is OPAL Fuels’ legal counsel?
OPAL Fuels’ legal counsel is Sheppard, Mullin, Richter & Hampton LLP.
Who is OPAL Fuels’ independent registered public accounting firm?
OPAL Fuels’ independent registered public accounting firm is BDO USA, LLP.
Who can I contact for investor relations inquires?
For additional investor related information, please reach out to
Who can I contact for media relations inquires?
For media relations questions, please reach out to Michelle Stein, Vice President, Corporate Communications, at